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Pamella, a Hollywood actor, has a natural passion for dramatic arts and music. However, many don't know that she has a real love of drawing and painting. D'Pella identifies as a visual artist.


Over the years she has developed a highly individual style that comprises a bold use of color.


D'Pella earned her Master of Arts degree from the University of Louisville.


My Art Work

posed with "Mermaid's Revenge"

posed with "Mermaid's Revenge"

Pamella posed with "Mermaid's Revenge"

Pamella d'Pella fashion sketch

Pamella d'Pella fashion sketch

Pamella d'Pella fashion sketch

Pamella d'Pella art work

Pamella d'Pella art work

Pamella d'Pella art work

Pamella d'Pella painting

Pamella d'Pella painting

Pamella d'Pella painting

Pamella d'Pella Sketch

Pamella d'Pella Sketch

Pamella d'Pella Sketch

Pamella d'Pella Painting

Pamella d'Pella Painting

Pamella d'Pella Painting

Pamella d'Pella art sketch

Pamella d'Pella art sketch

Pamella d'Pella art sketch

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